Castle Hill


Country :United States of America
Region :North-east
Division :New England
State :Maine - ME
Established :1903
Municipality :Town

Land area :35.7 sq mi (92 km²)
Population :454
Density :12.72/sq mi (4.91/km²)
Male :51.32%
Female :48.68%
Latitude :46.72 - 46° 4' N
Longitude :-68.22 - 68° 1' W

Contact :Trudence G Buck (Town Clerk)
Address :Town Hall
Pulcifur Road
P.O. Box 500
Mapleton, Maine 04757
Phone :(207) 764-3754
code :207
DB-City :Castle Hill


Ancestrie EnglishEnglish :19.8 %
Ancestrie United StatesUnited States :15.9 %
Ancestrie FrenchFrench :15.0 %
Ancestrie IrishIrish :12.6 %
Ancestrie French CanadianFrench Canadian :4.6 %
Ancestrie ScottishScottish :4.4 %

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